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Bass Cross MegaMan jacks into Mega Man X DiVE

The Bass.EXE love in Mega Man X DiVE continues as Capcom Taiwan has just unveiled the latest character to enter the Deep Log: Bass Cross MegaMan! This fusion of MegaMan and Bass was first seen in Mega Man Battle Network 5 and starred in the anime movie Rockman EXE: Program of Light and Darkness.

In terms of skills, Bass Cross is simple but effective. He brings his classic Charge Shot (Unison Buster in Japanese), a large projectile blast that can go through terrain. Charge it up completely and it will fire 3 shots in rapid succession.

If you need something with a little more firepower, there’s also Vanishing World Kai (Neo World in Japanese). This improved version of Bass GS’s Vanishing World fires a huge energy beam that can go through terrain. It also hits every enemy on the screen; not just those caught in the beam. The move seems to be influenced the blast attack used in the anime and manga.

Bass Cross MegaMan is another S rank character that will be available for a limited time. You’ll be able to draw for him in the Taiwanese and Japanese mobile version as well as the Steam release. Players on the international Android/iOS version operated by NebulaJoy will probably have to wait a while longer, though.