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New MMBN fangame MegaMan Cosmic Network announced

The 20th anniversary of the Mega Man Battle Network series is coming up in less than a year, and both Capcom as well as the fan community alike are gearing up for an epic celebration. One thing to look forward to is a new BN fangame just unveiled by Cosmic Nobab: MegaMan Cosmic Network.

MegaMan Cosmic Network is a fan sequel to Battle Network 6 being developed for PC, which brings a host of changes to the gameplay. The game forgoes the standard isometric overworld for a top-down view inspired by the mobile games, Phantom and Legend of Network. Combat is overhauled as well, with a greater focus on real-time, on-the-fly strategizing.

Instead of building a folder of 30 chips, in Cosmic Network, you choose just 6 chips to bring into battle. These chips are available at any time, but there’s a catch: MegaMan will automatically use the selected chip whenever the Custom Gauge fills. This means you’ll need to be mindful of MegaMan’s position, and switch to a chip with a different range accordingly.

In addition, chips have cooldowns during which they can’t be used. Stronger versions of chips have longer cooldowns, meaning you’ll have to choose between high single shot damage, or an increased rate of fire. Aside from the chips, you can also use your trusty rapid-fire MegaBuster. MegaMan Cosmic Network will have over 90 chips to collect, as well as upgrades to improve things such as MegaBuster stats and Custom Gauge speed.

For those who like customization, Cosmic Network also has plenty to offer in terms of options. You can change the battlefield and background to your liking and enable an in-battle timer. Cosmic Network has an original soundtrack, but you can also play with music from the official GBA Battle Network games if you want.

Check out some more screenshots below, and if you want to keep up-to-date on MegaMan Cosmic Network, follow developer CosmicNobab on Twitter!

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Source: CosmicNobab